Relationship Counseling Online online therapists provides electronic scheduling for counseling - schedule relationship therapy and couples counseling online.

Relationship Therapy, Relationship Counseling, Couples Therapy, Family Counseling

Any time you interact with someone more than once, you’re relating. We have love relationships, sexual relationships, work relationships, family relationships and business relationships. When you have relationship conflict, therapy, counseling and coaching can help. Our therapists apply psychological approaches based in cognitive behavioral therapy to help teach you what you need to design or repair relationships that work better for you. Unfortunately insurance does not reimburse you for relationship counseling, since they can not diagnose a relationship with a mental illness diagnosis.

What is it? A relatively short-term intervention to get your relationship back on track.  By creating a safe space for you to create a common vision of your relationship, we work on helping you to communicate your needs and desires and to trust and accept your partner unconditionally (called unconditional other acceptance).  To do this, we alternate between seeing you as individuals one week, and together with your partner/s the following week, which encourages differentiation (taking responsibility for your own role in the relationship and the conflicts that come up) as well as relationship growth and evolution.

Relationship Counselors, Couples Therapists, Family Counselors

Relationship counselors are clinically trained at the masters level in Psychology, mental health counseling or marriage and family therapy. Relationship therapists go on to post-graduate training and supervision before becoming licensed mental health counselors or licensed marriage and family therapists. Psychologists are not relationship therapists. Social workers are not relationship therapists. Relationship counselors do not prescribe medication. Relationship counselors do not use religion or pseudo-science to force you into any one relationship style. Our counselors are kink affirming, affirming of all sexualities and gender expression, poly affirming, queer identified or informed allies, and want you to build the foundation of lasting, connected relationships, regardless of the style that works best for you.


Open relationships, polyamory, multiamory, swingers, monogamish, compersion - there are all sorts of relationship styles and concepts beyond monogamy.

While some people find themselves in a pair bond, others realize that sexual fidelity and monogamy is not the default relationship style for everyone.

Working with a therapist who does not hold monogamy up as an ideal, enlightened state of being is important when working through the issues that might come up in opening your relationship or designing a relationship that works for you.

There are countless relationship styles and arrangements that have always existed. Let's design a relationship that might work for the people involved, rather than trying to copy what we think happened in 1950's middle-America.